Monday, September 23, 2013

Writer's Notebooks, Prowler Pride and Dictionaries

Hello Families and Friends!!!!

Last week we had so much going on in our room!  One SUPER fun thing we did last week was that we decorated our Writer's Notebooks!  It was so great to see what the kids brought in so they could decorate their Writer's Notebook covers!  The kids had SO much fun figuring out how to arrange their special items!  

We had some special guests visit 3rd grade on Friday.  Some members of the Girls Swim Team stopped by to visit the 3rd grade classrooms for "Prowler Pride"!  The focus of Prowler Pride is to show our kids what kinds of activities/things they can participate in as a Prowler!  We encourage the Prowler Pride Teams to tell the kids about things like being a good student, friend and person!  :)

The Rotary Club in TRF also came to Challenger on Friday to give each 3rd Grade student a dictionary!  They give this generous gift each year and the kids were SUPER excited to have THEIR OWN dictionary!  We'll keep them at school until the end of the year!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

iPad Time!!

 Our new cart of 26 iPads is up and ready for our everyday use!  Each iPad has about 10 apps and counting.  A couple good ones we're using are Pic Collage, Math Racing, Math Bingo, Meteor Math, Skitch, Weird But True, and Grade 3 Math.  Here are a few pictures of the kids using them for the first time!!!

Mandi and Charlie concentrating!  

 Exploring new apps!!!

Have an awesome day!!!
~Mrs. Brouse

Thursday, September 5, 2013

2nd Day Pics!!!

What an awesome few days it's been with these fantastic kiddos!!!  
Enjoy some of the pictures of our 3rd grade friends!!!!!

















Your Teacher,
Mrs. Brouse